The Three Penny Piano: Music for Piano 4 Hands

FROM ALBUM NOTES by Paolo Porto:

Frivolous, elegant, pleasant: Piano four hands is often linked, in the collective imagination, to a “dancing” repertoire, usually played by young students with their Maestro. This is certainly an aspect, but on the other side we find out transcription of symphonic movements or chamber music, adaptation from orchestra of famous and important pieces of music. It was a very common and easy way, especially in the XIX century, to listen to a symphonic music in all the places with just a piano. The extention of the keyboard and four hands are useful to reproduce all the orchestral sections or the complexity of a quartet thought. From this point comes the idea to use this tradition and increase it, transcribing orchestral pieces (like Ouverture of Die Fledermaus) or works originally for two pianos (Scaramouche), creating suite from operas (like “Die Dreigroschenoper”) and go back in time transforming the music of Vivaldi in some composer because the suite Scaramouche, with his persistent rhythm, with his irony, and with his beautiful lyricism, became an important and classic piece of the piano duet repertoire. […] (Translation by Nicolò Ciuffi)

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